Saturday, January 16, 2010

Haven't I Been Here Before...

So here I am again, attempting a blog. I really haven't had too much luck keeping these updated over the years. Hell, I tried to keep a diary in 8th grade - I was really good for about a month and the next time I updated it, I was in high school. Bah. So I'm hoping I'm a little better with this one, as it won't be about me as much as it is about my thoughts about happenings. And silly crap I find on the 'net. We'll see as my dad would say. My hope is to have an outlet for all of the snark and pointless babble that runs through my head in addition to entertaining those who choose to read this. And perhaps through this blog I'll meet some like minded folks since the older I get the less I tend to socialize with people outside my admittedly small social circle. And maybe this blog will bring me a puppy, a kitty and a Cubs championship. Ok, I realize that's unrealistic but if you're reading this, amuse me and follow the blog. It will help inflate my ever fluctuating ego.

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