Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Dear Apple,

I have been a fan of yours for a long time. My first computer was a Performa 6290. I played Oregon Trail and learned about dysentery and cholera on an Apple IIe. I'm on my third Mac, have owned 2 iPods and may finally become a sheeple and get an iPhone.

But *iPad*? Really. REALLY?

Obviously Steve and his boys came up with this name, as any woman with half a brain could tell you what a horrible name this is. You do realize you will now be the butt of a million and one bad monthly visitor jokes for the foreseeable future?

In any case, as with any Apple product, I will wait for the hysteria to die down to actually look at one, and it will realistically take at least two years before I can afford one.

Carry on my dear friends!


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