Wednesday, July 7, 2010

From the Internets: I Have A Bad Case of Diarrhea

OK before you run screaming from this blog, I really don't have the runs. During one of my patented putterings on the internets, I found a few videos I had seen awhile back but had put out of my mind. Perhaps intentionally. Warning: after you watch these videos you will have these songs in your head.

I'm sure you are wondering what the hell you just wasted a minute of your time on. That clip is from Zuiikin English - a TV show that ran in Japan in the '90s with the purpose of teaching English whilst exercising. A strange concept to be sure, but then again this is the country that brought us Iron Chef (which I love 100x times more than Iron Chef America - I just want to slap Bobby Flay every time I see him smirk on my TV). I'm not sure why they chose this particular phrase - "I really need the toilet" would have sufficed but then again, it wouldn't have been nearly as funny.

Here's another one of my faves:

"Spare me my life!" is a great phrase when a man wearing a bandanna like my 80 year old grandmother tries to rob you!

I find weird and slightly inappropriate videos/links like this often, but am too lazy to make a proper post about them. Therefore, I created a tumblr account so house such things. My screen name is maschinenmensch for those who are daring enough to follow me.

"Take anything you want!"


  1. nice . . .
    where' the rrs feed on your blog?

  2. I think it's:

    But I'm not so good at feeds so let me know if it doesn't work.
